It only seems natural I should write about Moms this morning after a weekend of celebrating the special women in our lives. I have always had the pleasure of being surrounded by amazing role models, from my Grandmom to my Aunts to my Mother-in-Law to "adopted Moms" and of course, my lovable, huggable Mom. When we spoke yesterday, I mentioned Anna and I had shipped off our package Friday, so of course, our wishes would be late but the sentiment was the same: We love you! And then I said, "You know, Mom, it seems by the time you can fully appreciate your Mom, you don't have the time to let them know how much you now 'get it'." She laughed her infectious laugh and agreed. So I am hoping these few sentiments will help my Mom and ALL Moms out there know, we get it 100%. You are the epicenter of our family and all roads of love lead to you.
You loved us when changing diapers in the dark of night or changed the sheets because of an "accident" in our sleep. You soothed us, comforted us and sent us back to dreamland while you finished what we started.
You surprised us with sentimental notes in our lunchboxes or in the mail. In the middle of our days, you made sure we knew someone cared.
You provided first aid for scraped knees, slammed fingers, bumped heads, broken bones, and broken hearts. Chocolate chip cookies were never far behind.
You listened for hours while we chattered on about trucks, cars, dolls, why things grow, why things wilt, did you know (fill in the blank), girlfriends, boyfriends, the meaning of anything and everything in our world, sports, frustrations, celebrations and why oh why doesn't Dad get it?
You bought us clothes and shoes without keeping a tab.
You drove us back and forth to sporting events, birthday parties, movie and mall meet ups, rolling skating rinks on Friday nights, friends houses, college and vacations.
You laughed with gusto at our really bad jokes.
You believed our artwork should be in MoMA and displayed our creations proudly on the refrigerator.
The trinkets we made you in elementary school appeared every year at Christmas time, Easter, and any other holiday we glued, cut, glittered and created a heart felt something for you.
You logged in reading hours when you yourself were ready to hit the hay.
You made our favorite foods. And you made us eat our non-favorite foods.
You hugged us. A lot.
You attended every band concert, music recital, sporting event, school play and child function imaginable. And you did it with a smile on your face and a gleam in your eye that can only come from a Mom's heart.
You planned menus, outings, vacations, weddings, family gatherings and stuff we don't even know about but will in time.
You took us to church.
You taught us how to read.
You encouraged when we were discouraged.
You said no sometimes.
You asked a lot of questions when we were in high school.
You made celebrations special and random days a reason to celebrate.
You let us play in the rain and the mud.
You taught us how to plant, grow and harvest.
You packed picnics and suitcases.
You cleaned toilets, sinks, floors and rooms.
Laundry. That chore earns it's own line.
You picked up after children and animals and husbands.
You played with us. You laughed with us. You cried with us.
You loved us when we weren't lovable.
You forgave us.
You prayed for us.
You. Were. Always. There. Loving. Unconditionally.
And my hope is you know how much you are loved, admired, needed, thought of and appreciated by this daughter who never had a clue. Until now.
Thanks, Mom. You are a joy!
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