Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Joy of Energy

Energy. My Mom has TONS of the stuff. My daughter and my Mom share the same gene, one that clearly has skipped a generation. I sit in awe watching them check things off their list, zooming from activity to activity and usually completing these things with a big ol' smile pasted on their face. I honestly get tired watching them. After all, I am Queen of the Nappers. But I am honestly a bit jealous, too. Quite often I tell my Mother-in-Law I want to bottle just 10% percent of their energy. She smiles and nods in agreement, as her eyes twinkle and I can tell for a moment she is stepping back in time surrounded by three busy children of her own. Evidently, my husband David had a hard time depleting his energy source as a a child. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law quickly back this fact up with numerous humorous stories. And here is what I have learned: energy begets energy. The more energy you spend, the more energy comes back to you. The higher the energy level, the more productive you become in your life. The more productive you are, the happier you are....ah ha! Here we are again with Mr. Hewitt's list.
I have seen this very thing occur in my own life. If I do not have a tentative schedule, I tend to get very sloth like. I move VERY slowly. After everyone leaves the house during the week, I like to start my day with a hot cup of coffee and a morning news show (I am a closet political junkie which does not always equal happy). I tend to think I am actually ON the show and chime in my take on the latest political rumblings. If I am not careful, this can stretch into lunchtime and then I realize I only have a little bit of time before the kids come home, so I might as well just see what else is on the boob tube. ICK!!!! And then I wonder why I am tired, listless and probably a bit grouchy. Hello. Sloth alert.
So, this year I have made a few changes to my daily habits. I still have my hot cup of coffee with the talking heads of political TV, but now I turn the TV off at 8am and begin my day. And I have a list of things I attempt to accomplish daily such as writing my blog, excercising, my daily devotional, writing in my gratitude journal and drinking a green smoothie. The last one is a 30-day challenge I discovered while perusing the Internet the weekend between Christmas and New Year's Day. I needed an extra "umph" in the afternoon and after doing a bit of research, I thought a healthy eating shake up might be a good challenge (much better than the half-marathon challenge last year :)). So each afternoon, when the kids come home from school, they have their snack and I drink my green smoothie of spinach or kale, almond milk or water and a couple cups of diced fruit. Yes, my children make comments about the gross looking drink and I think are grateful they only have to taste the latest challenge in Mommy's life, but they are also encouraging me in my current goal. And I have to say I am noticing a difference. My eyes are brighter, my skin is glowing, I am more selective with my eating choices and my energy level is up! And guess what? I am way more productive and I am happier. Coincidence? I think not. I am also contemplating branching out into unchartered territory for me, considering possibilities and thinking, "Yeah! I can do that!". As my Grandfather used to say, "It is easier to accept failure if you try and fail than never attempting at all.". He was a smart man with lots of energy and happiness to share. And he did. Freely and often.
There are always lots of articles and talk show segments telling you how to get extra energy. Excercise and eating healthy have always been on the list and I agree. Natural foods will always be a better choice than processed items. Fruits and veggies keep you fuller, longer. Excercise in any form reduces your heart rate, relieves stress, whittles fat from your midsection (which is the most dangerous place for fat to gather) and quite frankly, just makes you feel so darn good. The combination of good eating habits and excercise truly are the best ways to get long term, steady, productive, strong energy. There are no short cuts but the outcome is well worth the spent energy. So, maybe today, when Anna and Josh come home with energy to share, instead of watching in amazement, I will join in this whir of motion, with a smile etched upon my face. Energy in motion is a joyful moment indeed. 

PS if you want to learn more about the 30- day Green Smoothie Challenge, please check out this link.
You might be pleasantly surprised at the taste for most of the recipes :). Cheers!

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