Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Joy of Random Acts of Happiness

Last week as I was enjoying my morning walk on Cary Greenway, I came upon a random act of happiness. Someone had spray painted a pink smiley face surrounded by blue dots on a tree. I have to tell you, this made my day. Graffiti as its best. And no harm to the tree. In fact, I think the tree probably felt better knowing people passing were going to smile for quite a while. I know I did. 
We need more random acts of happiness. We have more than our fair share of random acts at the moment. But here is the truly wonderful thing about random acts of is free of charge and the gift carries a positive impact and is extremely contagious. Here is what I know. I stopped my walk and took a picture of said tree. Later that day, I posted that happy photo to my Facebook page. Within minutes, people were hitting the Like button and I was receiving comments about what makes people happy. And those comments continued to make me smile. People across the country were affected by one person's random thought to paint a smiley face on the trunk of a very tall pine tree on a trail in Cary, NC. I bet they never even contemplated someone in Arizona or Pennsylvania or Texas or Massachusetts would be smiling at their simple artwork. And maybe, just maybe, there is a copycat artist in other parts of the country who will happily strike a tree or a boulder or a hill or heart with a simple random smile. 
As we head into the Christmas season and you are contemplating what gift to give this year,        
I humbly suggest a random act of happiness. A simple joy for a complicated world. A one size fits all that never goes out of style kind of gift. A present that will not be returned but hopefully regifted and somehow finds its way back to you. Randomly. 

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